The History of Design Thinking

The History of Design Thinking

…their research, different guest authors will write in-depth examinations about aspects of design thinking history. The History of Design Thinking Treatises Authors “Theoretical Foundations of Design Thinking Part I: John…

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What kind of stories do you want to publish/see on the blog?

Tests >> Iterations >> Learnings … etc. Reflections of senior practitioners and people from academia on their topics of interest (e.g.: “The role of empathy in DT”) Critical interviews on…

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Design Thinking as an Entrepreneurs’ Mindset?

Design Thinking as an Entrepreneurs’ Mindset?

…(CEO) raised 1 million dollars for Everest. Not too bad for someone who recently graduated from university. Altogether the company raised $2.5 million. Then things started to get difficult. Crisis…

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Designer Nights Out: Good Urban Planning Can Reduce Drunken Violence

Designer Nights Out: Good Urban Planning Can Reduce Drunken Violence

…deeper questions regarding our approach to some very complex societal problems. So far, debate has centred on state liquor law reform but that’s only half the story. Queensland MPs may…

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How do I find and contact organizations that used design thinking?

…an array of cases. Your editor is also the best person to put you in contact with respective interview partners from the industry. If you are looking for a new

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