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This is Design Thinking – Research Team, Hasso Plattner Institut

This is Design Thinking – Research Team, Hasso Plattner Institut

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To showcase the collection of design thinking stories, we use images from the following sources

Our editors exercise highest diligence to attribute third party image, video and illustration material correctly. If you find a mistake or problem with insufficient attribution please get in touch with us. We will either correct the mistake or delete respective media immediately.


Attachment ID Title Attached to Source
4268 Shachaf Snir, Director of Internal Innovation at Clalit Innovation
4267 Delivered The COVID-19 onboarding kit
4266 The contents of COVID-19 Onboarding kit
4265 COVID-19 Onboarding kit
4255 Laddering- From company purpose to department purpose, vision and design challenge
4254 The Motion+ purpose
4253 The ∏-Process Framework for flexible ambidextrous navigation of digital transformation
4252 Members of the Motion+ team
4251 LESSON I Getting started- Use your culture as a compass and participation as fuel for transformation_Illustration- @ Juliana Toro
4224 Waste for Warmth
4223 Waste for Warmth
4222 Waste for Warmth
4221 Waste for Warmth
4220 Waste for Warmth
4219 Waste for Warmth
4210 The original roadmap of the solution development.
4209 Design thinking workshop
4203 toni-osmundson-4ICbYI84kG0-unsplash
4194 Tiago_1
4193 Tiago_2
4187 Stakeholder map
4175 Interviews Design-Driven Management Project Report
4171 Copyright image unsplash
4165 Awareness-raising video on the risk of unacquired trademarks Japan Patent Office
4163 Awareness-raising video on the risk of unacquired trademarks Japan Patent Office
4159 Solution by the UI team Japan Patent Office
4157 Solution by the UI team Japan Patent Office
4155 Solution by the UI team Japan Patent Office
4153 Six challenges of the design-driven management project Design-Driven Management Project Report
4152 Design bridges invention and innovation Declaration of Design-Driven Management
4151 Double diamond model Design-Driven Management Project Report
4150 Interviews Design-Driven Management Project Report
4148 Prototype Design-Driven Management Project Report
4146 Problem Identification - Ideation Design-Driven Management Project Report
4140 Mindset Design-Driven Management Project Report
4137 Design driven management project at the JPO Japan Patent office
4132 Six challenges of the design-driven management project
4130 Design-driven management details
4129 Companies that invest in design
4126 Design-driven management details
4124 Design-driven management model
4121 Awareness of the effect of design in Japanese companies
4119 Companies that invest in design
4111 Two challenges the Japanese industry faces in the current market
4077 kyurie-web
4071 karenfuertidtnet
4070 kokoro portrait
4065 Featured image Umpqua Bank | CC BY 4.0
4047 umpqua images.001 Umpqua Bank
4033 umpqua images.pptx (6) Umpqua Bank | CC BY 4.0
4030 Umpqua Bank, Internal Design Umpqua Bank | CC BY 4.0
3904 b2b-design-thinking-product-journey-teaser Photos by: Kuman Electric, Christina @wocintechchat, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, ThisIsEngineering RAEng, Unsplash; Nils Schekorr
3901 Protoype-White-Label-App MAW@wisquare | CC BY 4.0
3879 user-network-ideation-board-b2b-design-thinking Marc-Alexander Winter / Nils Schekorr | CC BY 4.0
3877 product-journey-map-b2b-design-thinking Marc-Alexander Winter / Nils Schekorr | CC BY-SA 4.0
3739 featureimage Piller | © Traditional Copyright
3735 prototyp2 Piller
3733 prototyp1 Piller | © Traditional Copyright
3728 slider3 SAP | © Traditional Copyright
3726 slider2
3724 slider1 SAP | © Traditional Copyright
3721 bslider_1 Piller | © Traditional Copyright
3719 bslider_2 Piller
3717 piller_bslider_3 Piller | © Traditional Copyright
3694 IBM Design Thinking 1.0 Process Visualisations and Core Practices IBM
3681 SAP's Design Process | © Traditional Copyright
3680 Intuit's Design For Delight Program's Principles And Corporate Brand Values Intuit / Jan Schmiedgen (Collage) | © Traditional Copyright
3679 UK's Governmental Digital Service (GDS) Design Principles and Process GDS | © Traditional Copyright
3666 Early sketches of IBM Design Thinking 2.0 in formation. IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3658 IBM Header Image IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3657 IBM Design Thinking 2.0: Early Sketches IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3656 IBM’s design thinking principles. IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3655 IBM Design Thinking 2.0 IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3653 IBM Hill - Example IBM | © Traditional Copyright
3631 SAP-Playbook
3630 Intuit-Labs
3629 GoogleVenturesDesign
3594 boa_image rawpixel | CC BY 4.0
3593 boa_preview Michael Longmire/Unsplash | CC BY 4.0
3534 bahn_slider_proto5_pixel Sarah Seifert | © Traditional Copyright
3483 bahn_coaches Jörg Reckhenrich | © Traditional Copyright
3480 bahn_infografik Deutsche Bahn AG | © Traditional Copyright
3475 bahn_slider_whatsapp2 DB AG Pablo Castagnola | © Traditional Copyright
3474 bahn_slider_whatsapp1 DB AG Pablo Castagnola | © Traditional Copyright
3468 bahn_slider_altneu3 Deutsche Bahn AG | © Traditional Copyright
3467 bahn_slider_altneu2 Deutsche Bahn | © Traditional Copyright
3466 bahn_slider_altneu1 Richard Huber | CC BY-SA 3.0
3455 bahn_slider_user2 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3454 bahn_slider_user1 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3453 bahn_slider_proto6 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3451 bahn_slider_proto4 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3450 bahn_slider_proto3 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3449 bahn_slider_proto2 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3448 bahn_slider_proto1 Deutsche Bahn Operations | © Traditional Copyright
3446 bahn_preview02 Deutsche Bahn | © Traditional Copyright
3394 innogy_preview01
3389 innogy_slider_03 LRN LAB | CC BY 3.0
3385 innogy_slider_02
3384 innogy_slider_01 LRN LAB | CC BY 3.0
3382 ecarsharing2 Innogy Innovation Hub | © Traditional Copyright
3376 hpi_logo_web
3353 History of Design Thinking Collage
3318 IBM Design Thinking Field Guide
3317 LUMA Method Cards
3316 SAP Scenes | © Traditional Copyright
3307 vlisco_slider_06_graduates Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3305 vlisco_slider_05_academy2 Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3304 vlisco_slider_04_academy Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3303 vlisco_slider_03_family Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3302 vlisco_slider_02_shop Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3301 vlisco_slider_01_interview Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3298 vlisco_preview03 Vlisco | © Traditional Copyright
3276 The SwipeSense founders: Mert Iseri and Yuri Malina McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science Magazine | © Traditional Copyright
3275 SwipeSense test and iteration Northwestern Memorial Hospital | © Traditional Copyright
3274 SwipeSense test and iteration Northwestern Memorial Hospital | © Traditional Copyright
3273 Original SwipeSense model IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3272 SwipeSense IDEO sketches IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3271 SwipeSense first iteration IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3270 SwipeSense first iteration IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3269 SwipeSense final product in 2013 IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3268 SwipeSense final base station in 2013 IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
3265 Slideshow - Rotterdam Eyehospital Eklund Terbeek Architecten, Photo: Rene de Wit | © Traditional Copyright
3264 Trueffeljagd_slideshow1_04_product2 Team Trüffeljagd | © Traditional Copyright
3263 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow1_03_product1 Team Trüffeljagd | © Traditional Copyright
3262 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow01_05_product3 Team Trüffeljagd | © Traditional Copyright
3232 Meta Slider - YouTube - snxicC5cI9A
3230 Meta Slider - YouTube - Uk7P1YAKcjA
3229 Meta Slider - YouTube - SyXdO-vksIc
3228 Meta Slider - YouTube - cWBctTjuZkI
3227 Meta Slider - YouTube - 6s7hDxVGfFk
3223 Meta Slider - YouTube - uilcaXYnluU
3222 Meta Slider - YouTube - Ee4CKIPkIik
3210 Reading-Springer-Understanding-Innovation
3209 Reading-Rotman
3208 Reading-ECDTR
3194 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_05_Frank Veronika Johannes | © Traditional Copyright
3193 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_05_keule Adalbert Raps Stiftung/Joanna Nottebrock | © Traditional Copyright
3192 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_04_meeting Adalbert Raps Stiftung/Joanna Nottebrock | © Traditional Copyright
3191 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_03_meattasting Adalbert Raps Stiftung/Joanna Nottebrock | © Traditional Copyright
3190 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_02_pigfarm2 Adalbert Raps Stiftung/Joanna Nottebrock | © Traditional Copyright
3189 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow2_01_pigfarm Adalbert Raps Stiftung/Joanna Nottebrock | © Traditional Copyright
3183 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow1_02_butcherforaday2 Trüffeljagd Team | © Traditional Copyright
3182 Trueffeljagd_Slideshow1_01_butcherforaday Trüffeljagd Team | © Traditional Copyright
3174 IIT-Brains-Behaviour-Design-Group
3167 DT-For-Educators-IDEO
3165 Universal-Methods-Martin-Hanington
3164 Kelley-Creative-Confidence-Toolkit
3163 IDEO-HCD-kit
3162 GOV-UK-Service-Toolkit
3161 DUBBERLY-How-Do-You-Design
3160 dSchool-Bootcamp-Bootleg
3159 Circular-Design-Guide-IDEO-AllenMcArthur
3158 101-Methods-Kumar
3130 SwipeSense: The Badge SwipeSense, Inc. | © Traditional Copyright
3117 Appointment Animals Illustrations Ropvanmierlo Studio | © Traditional Copyright
3110 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3109 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3108 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3107 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3106 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3105 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3104 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3103 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3102 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3101 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3100 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3099 Impressions of the Children's Eye Center at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam). Photo: Eklund Terbeek architecten Eklund Terbeek Architects | © Traditional Copyright
3095 Rotterdam Eye Hospital Frans Blok/3Develop | © Traditional Copyright
3023 preview-image-ana2 ANA | © Traditional Copyright
3022 preview-image-ana ANA | © Traditional Copyright
3001 Spiral publishing model developed from observing participants in the publishing simulation | © Traditional Copyright
3000 failuretolaunch-diagram1-image1b | © Traditional Copyright
2997 failuretolaunch-slide1-image1 | CC BY-NC 4.0
2996 failuretodeploy-slide3-image3 | CC BY-NC 4.0
2995 failuretodeploy_slide2-image2 | CC BY-NC 4.0
2982 failuretodeploy-header-image1 | CC BY-NC 4.0
2934 Paris at École des Ponts Paris at École des Ponts | © Traditional Copyright
2933 University of Technology Sydney University of Technology Sydney | © Traditional Copyright
2931 partnerlogo_capetown d.School Cape Town | © Traditional Copyright
2930 partnerlogo_ischool i.School Tokyo | © Traditional Copyright
2929 partnerlogo_philau Philadelphia University | © Traditional Copyright
2928 partnerlogo_mgsm Macquarie University | © Traditional Copyright
2926 TeamFoto-Sharon-Nemeth
2925 TeamFoto-Tom-Beckmann
2913 SF Opera - Image-01 Bob Sutton | © Traditional Copyright
2898 preview image lapeyre Dan Watson/Unsplash | CC BY 3.0
2896 KingsCross-Thumbnail-Image-02 | CC BY 3.0
2882 Meta Slider - YouTube - WIhzH65906s Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2880 User Research 06: Focus groups Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2879 User Research 05: Understanding payment patterns Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2878 User Research 04: Mobisol's Lucy is meeting pilot customers for feedback Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2877 User Research 03: In-home visit of a family Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2876 User Research 02: Interviewing a future customer Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2875 User Research 01: Everyone has a phone - also the Massai! Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2874 The Product: How the system works Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2873 The Product: A 200WP Mobisol system Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2872 Mobisol-IMPACT-6 Local Advertisement by Partners Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2871 Impact 05: Mobisol is where customers it's customers are Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2870 Impact 04: Maintenance coordinator using the Mobisol web interface Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2869 Impact 03: PV Solar not just about light ... Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2868 Impact 02: Trained technicians perform system installations Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2867 Impact 01: Replacing kerosene and diesel with clean energy Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2866 Exploring the Context 01: Discovering 'informal markets' Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2865 Exploring the Context 03: Bad roads leading to customers' villages Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2864 Exploring the Context 02: Female installation technicians ease contact with house-women Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2863 Exploring the Context 01: Meeting a Masaii family Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2862 Co-Creation Sessions 01: Using games to understand user needs Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2861 Co-Creation Sessions 02: Getting feedback on a contract from village leader Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2860 Co-Creation Sessions 01: Let's create a better installation manual Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2859 Mobisol-ADAPT-09 Icrease Usability of Software Tools for Staff Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2858 Market Adaption 08: Providing 'Business Kits' to allow small business owners to make extra money with their power Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2857 Market Adaption 07: Tackling the 'last mile problem' Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2856 Market Adaption 06: Marketing material Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2855 Market Adaption 06: Marketing by local partners and staff Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2854 Market Adaption 06: Marketing by local partners and staff Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2853 Market Adaption 06: Marketing at Masaii animal market Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2852 Market Adaption 05: Marketing through village presentations Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2851 Market Adaption 04: Explaining the customer journey of a complex business model to future customers Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2850 Market Adaption 03: Installation manuals before and after user co-creation Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2849 Market Adaption 02: Let certified staff educate customers Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2848 Market Adaption 01: Train certified staff Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2847 Market Adaption 01: Learning from self-installation observations Mobisol | © Traditional Copyright
2783 KingsCross-InlineImage-Image-01 SkiMoon/WikiCommons | CC BY-SA 4.0
2748 Karen von Schmieden | © Traditional Copyright
2747 Jan Schmiedgen | © Traditional Copyright
2732 Lapyre-galleryimage-01-tabl | CC BY-SA 4.0
2721 Lapyre-Slideshow-01a-team Team Lapeyre | © Traditional Copyright
2720 Lapyre-Slideshow-06-benchma
2719 Lapyre-Slideshow-05-bathroo Team Lapeyre | © Traditional Copyright
2718 Lapyre-Slideshow-04-acc2 Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2717 Lapyre-Slideshow-03-acceler Team Lapeyre/ME310 | CC BY 3.0
2716 Lapyre-Slideshow-02-accplan Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2715 Lapyre-Slideshow-01-activit | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
2710 Lapyre-Slideshow-10-catalog Lapeyre Catalogue
2705 Lapyre-Slideshow-05-stool Team Lapeyre | © Traditional Copyright
2704 Lapyre-Slideshow-05-proto2 Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2703 Lapyre-Slideshow-05_1-stoolpl Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2702 Lapyre-Slideshow-04-prototy Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2701 Lapyre-Slideshow-03-roundpr Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2700 Lapyre-Slideshow-02-darkhor Team Lapeyre/ME310 | © Traditional Copyright
2612 Learning Model Content Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2611 Learning Model Scenarios Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2610 Learning Model 8 days Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2609 Learning Model 4 Days Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2608 Learning Model Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2607 Learning Model Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2606 Learning Model Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2605 Learning Model time strechting Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2604 Learning Model Reflection Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2603 Learning Model Content vs Framework | CC BY-NC 4.0
2602 Learning Model Structure highlight | CC BY-NC 4.0
2601 Learning Model Routine Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2600 Learning Mode Pace | CC BY-NC 4.0
2599 Learning Model Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2598 Being Visual Workshop Being Visual Workshop - Mauro Rego | CC BY-NC 4.0
2591 IIT.ID | © Traditional Copyright
2590 HPI Potsdam | © Traditional Copyright
2589 Partner Logo Generic
2588 Stanford d.School | © Traditional Copyright
2587 TU Delft | © Traditional Copyright
2586 Darden University | © Traditional Copyright
2585 partnerlogo_aalto Aalto University | © Traditional Copyright
2507 Protoypes for Testing with User MLP | © Traditional Copyright
2492 Facilitation Ninja @ Kuala Lumpur Genovasis Hedwig Pottag, 2012 | © Traditional Copyright
2451 Innova-4 Ericsson | © Traditional Copyright
2443 Headquarter of MLP AG in Wiesloch, Germany Rudolf Stricker | © Traditional Copyright
2405 Erik Chang, Head of Strategy & Operational Development, Ericsson North East Asia R&D Erik Chang | © Traditional Copyright
2373 Prof. Dr. h.c. Hasso Plattner HPI / Kay Herschelmann | © Traditional Copyright
2310 Tax Form flickr | CC BY 4.0
2299 Citizens' Initiative flickr | CC BY 4.0
2280 Pulse - Image 04 LinkedIn | © Traditional Copyright
2270 Pulse - Image 01 LinkedIn Pulse | © Traditional Copyright
2214 Pulse - Image 03 | © Traditional Copyright
2185 Download the Study | © Traditional Copyright
2177 GoodKitchen - Hatch-and-Bloom Hatch-and-Bloom | © Traditional Copyright
2163 Enrollment Bar IDEO | © Traditional Copyright
2157 Chronology of the work pass division's business process re-engineering Ministry of Manpower Work Pass Division | © Traditional Copyright
2156 Family Cabanas Ministry of Manpower | © Traditional Copyright
2090 CERN Ideasquare Jean-Claude Gadmer, CERN
2089 Cern Ideasquare Cern Ideasquare
2088 CERN Ideasquare Jean-Claude Gadmer, CERN
2034 Design thinking in museums Courtesy of Dana Mitroff | © Traditional Copyright
2029 Stock Price - Intuit - 2009-2014 Yahoo Finance
2014 GE-Adventure Series - The Pirate Room GE Healthcare | © Traditional Copyright
1965 Design Thinking: A Continuum of Understandings Katrina Guenther | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1925 A Conceptual Model of Design Thinking Carlgren, Rauth, Elmquist (2013) | © Traditional Copyright
1886 Design Thinking Stories Collage | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1807 The Design Thinking Discourse | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1784 AirBnB - Host Personas
1781 AirBnB-Header-Image-02
1704 Sam Bucolo Sam Bucolo
1603 Hasso Plattner Institute of Design a.k.a. d.School, Stanford Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Stanford
1577 IIT-ID-Crown_Hall Joe Ravi, Wikimedia
1571 IIT Institute of Design Tulio22, Wikimedia
1490 Derdack Derdack
1437 AirBnB - Customer Story Walls 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1436 AirBnB - Customer Story Walls 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1435 AirBnB - Employee Gallery 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1434 AirBnB - Headquarter (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1432 AirBnB - Miniature Homes 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1431 AirBnB - Houseboat Deck (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1430 AirBnB - Miniature Homes 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1428 AirBnB - Miniature Homes 03 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1426 AirBnB - Office Space 03 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1423 AirBnB - Office Space 06 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1420 AirBnB - Welcome 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1419 AirBnB - Patio (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1417 AirBnB - Welcome 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1416 AirBnB - Welcome 04 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1415 AirBnB - Work Spaces 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1414 AirBnB - Welcome 05 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1413 AirBnB - Work Spaces 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1412 AirBnB - Work Spaces 04 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1411 AirBnB - Work Spaces 03 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1410 AirBnB - Work Spaces 06 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1409 AirBnB - Work Spaces 05 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1408 AirBnB - Host Personas (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1355 Siemens China: Workshop Situation 01 Bettina Maisch | © Traditional Copyright
1354 Siemens China: Workshop Situation 02 Bettina Maisch | © Traditional Copyright
1353 Siemens China: Workshop Situation 03 Bettina Maisch | © Traditional Copyright
1343 Oticon Hearing Devices - Header Collage Courtesy of Oticon | © Traditional Copyright
1230 Header Collage - Everest Courtesy of Everest | © Traditional Copyright
1213 Generic-Header-Image-01
1078 Autodesk - War Room 03 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1076 Autodesk - War Room 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1075 Autodesk - Office Impressions 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1074 Autodesk - Office Impressions 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1073 Autodesk - Carl Bass (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1072 Autodesk - Gallery 08 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1071 Autodesk - Gallery 07 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1070 Autodesk - Gallery 06 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1069 Autodesk - Gallery 05 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1068 Autodesk - Gallery 04 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1067 Autodesk - Gallery 03 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1066 Autodesk - Gallery 02 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1065 Autodesk - Gallery 01 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1064 Autodesk - Gallery 00 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-SA 4.0
1060 Intuit: Welcome counter (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1059 Intuit: First contact? Customer segments ... (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1046 Intuit-DT-Implementation_Next (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1045 Intuit-DT-Implementation_Immerse-at-Home (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1044 Intuit-DT-Implementation_Friends-of-Intuit (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1001 Intuit: Innovation Campus (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
1000 Intuit - 57 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
999 Intuit - 54 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
998 Intuit - 49 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
997 Intuit - 47 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
996 Intuit - 46 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
995 Intuit - 44 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
994 Intuit - 42 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
993 Intuit - 38 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
992 Intuit - 35 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
991 Intuit - 32 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
990 Intuit - 30 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
989 Intuit - 25 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
988 Intuit - 23 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
987 Intuit - 18 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
985 Intuit - 04 (Jan Schmiedgen) | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
947 Intuit Headquarters: Entry Hall | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
943 Autodesk Showroom: Model of a Car | CC BY-SA 4.0
837 GE's MRI Adventure Series Courtesy of General Electric | © Traditional Copyright
775 Panorama-HPI | © Copyright Protected


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