What kind of stories do you want to publish/see on the blog?
Stories we want to see |
Stories we don’t want to see |
- Fail stories and what has been learned from them
- Stories that show the measures taken to diffuse design thinking in organizations (e.g. how to do innovation capability building, cultural hacks, etc.)
- Design thinking success stories, which describe the process in detail: Observations >> Insights >> Hypotheses >> Set-up of Tests >> Iterations >> Learnings … etc.
- Reflections of senior practitioners and people from academia on their topics of interest (e.g.: “The role of empathy in DT”)
- Critical interviews on the design thinking discourse
- Generic descriptions of the ‘design thinking process’ that lack any insight
- Advertorial ‘success’ stories, which show the ‘superiority’ of design thinking and overpraise companies without showing what was actually done
- Generic beginner stories of organizations, which are new to design thinking and start with the usual suspect measures (workshops, establish insights unit, etc.)
- Stories of how design agencies or consultancies did design thinking projects for companies (describing successes of ‘DT outsourcing’)
If you (or your authors) are looking for a case to write about, here is a list of design thinking organisations that is regularly updated.
Posted in: Typical FAQ's of our editors-in-chief, Typical FAQ’s of our authors