Flavia Bleuel,
Flavia Bleuel is the Head of Leadership Development at the HPI Academy. She is responsible for the development, conception and implementation of leadership formats such as Leadership for Innovation and Agility, Navigating Uncertainty – Personal Leadership Compass or Design Thinking and Corporate Change. In addition, she leads co-operative formats with renowned business schools such as HEC Paris, London Business School or ESMT.
Flavia is a co-founder of TQ – Transformation Quotient and CoObeya Expert Network for Innovation. She co-designed the curriculum of the HPI School of Design Thinking and coached many students and coaches. She was a lecturer in User (Experience) Research, Innovation as well as Media Psychology. Before, she worked a research assistant, innovation coach and lecturer at the Berlin University of the Arts in Communication in Social and Economic Contexts.
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Posts by Flavia:
Taking Risks, Earning Trust and Including Co-Workers: User-Centred Design at Deutsche Bahn Operations (20 Jul 2018 in Case Studies)