Shui Linlin, Head of the Design Thinking Innovation Center at the Communication University of China in Beijing (CUC)

Shui Linlin started her interdisciplinary, innovation-driven design thinking journey at the HPI D-School in 2009. When she came back to her own country, she took on the challenge of setting up the first design thinking school in China. Now she is the director of Design Thinking Innovation Center (DTIC) @ Art Faculty, Communication University of China.

Mrs Shui has the background of computer science and digital games design. And she is an expert of ” Online Game Content Review Committee” of the Chinese Culture Ministry, as well as the director of China Association of Social Art. She was selected as the ”Beijing Young Talents” in 2014.

Shuis tags of interest: design thinking, academia

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Shui Linlin is the director of the Design Thinking Innovation Center (DTIC) at the Art Faculty, Communication University of China, Bejing.

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