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To understand design thinking better we have to examine its different forms of implementation in organizations and know as many cases (failed or successful) as possible. This why we have set up a public list of organizations who practice the concept. We use the list to get an overview over the manifold applications of design thinking and to also screen interesting interview partners for our research. We further hope that it might also be useful for other researchers and everyone interested in the topic. Please feel free to add any other organization you know by entering it into this Google spreadsheet here. The list will refresh itself, once you reload this page. Your help is greatly appreciated!

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OrganizationCountryIn short chatchwords: How does the organization engage with Design Thinking (in this example)?More Infos ... (one URL of case)Added by ...
Organization, Business Unit, Product or ServiceTLDsome keywords
3Mcustomer engagementJeanne Liedtka, Andrew King and Kevin Bennett: Solving Problem with Design Thinking (
7 Design Thinking Afterwork by Seven AcademyCMHelping local start ups to adopt design thinking as the core of their product and experience developmentsevenadvancedacademy.comAboubakar Kouotou
Acción Pública LABCOLDesign Thinking applied into public affairs, public policy and public services Gil
AdobeUSused for different product developments; pilot courses for customer service organizatione.g.
AholdNLSetting up a Design Thinking Lab
AirBnBUSHypothesis testing, pivoting, empathy
AirbusFR/DEDT workshops @ dSchool Potsdam; Establishment of an innovation Scupin
AmwayUSEstablishment of a huge business innovation support center in collaboration with IIT.ID (alumni); 24h Design Thinking competitions
Anzisha (Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership at African Leadership Academy)Leadership and Entrepreneurship, "in the hope of making a positive change to the continent"
AppleUSDesign Thinking was used in the creation of the iPhone and has since been used in every product design.
Australian Taxation Office (ATO)AUcultural transformation
Bank of America: Keep the ChangeUSService
BayerDElooks like that they start to do it
BayteqECReading IDEO methods and Stanford
BBVA BancomerMXIDEO + BBVA: Bancarización: Bringing a Savings Product to Market
BertelsmannDEin cooperation with School of Design Thinking
BikeOffUKprevent bike theft with design thinking
BMWDEin cooperation with School of Design Thinking
bonprixDE/UKCross-departmental collaboration with internal coaches
Bristol MaidsUKtogether with UK Design Council
CelfinetPTCelfinet Student ClubCollaboration between Celfinet and Universities. Participation on the program "Design Kit: Prototyping" Tomas
CERN IdeaLabCH"Pilot to explore the value and impact of fundamental research on our daily lives. We seek to find paths for technologies developed at CERN." with the help of DT.;
Charité Berlin, BCRT/BSRT, Biothinking ProgramDECollaboration and innovation in research in the Life Sciences (graduate education and research projects support)
Charité: OnkolizerDEApp zur Unterstützung bei der Behandlung von Krebspatienten
Chick-fil-aUSRedesign of restaurant space,
Chobani JoghurtUSthey use DT to organize everything around user journeysSara Brooks (VA) can make contact@Jan_Schmiedgen
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterUSEnhance transition from pediatric to adult care --> sickle-cell disease (SDC)DMI SUmmer 2013@Jan_Schmiedgen
CiscoUSals Basis für Teamarbeit
Clorox CompanyUSto improve their ability to generate bigger, more innovative Marketing ideas
Condair: JS HumidifiersUKchange management
CreuznacherDETeaching DT in schools and universities
CurioSchoolJPK12 learning program for afternoon education in
D-Rev: ReMotions's JaipurKneeUSlow-tech prosthetic knee for the developing world
Datascope AnalyticsUSdashboard design
Deloitte digitalAUcultural transformation, improvement of customer relationship
Deloitte Innovation NLInnovating the innovation process, in cooperation with TU Delft as a Graduation ProjectCarien de Heus
DerdackDEsoftware company with own DT space and DT projects Huesam
Design City KoldingDNKurban planning/innovation management/business development strategy developed with DT Schmieden
Deutsche BahnDEDesign Thinking Workshops, Co.Op with Dark Horsewww.deutschebahn.deOlga Scupin
Deutsche BankDEgroup technology & operations, DT as "HR initiative/recruiting campaign"
DHLDEbring buddy
EBS Business SchoolGERTeaching DT, students as well as executive programs
Electrolux: Design LabSE
Embrace Infant IncubatorUSlow-cost infant warmer,
Event Design CollectiveCHDesign at the speed of change - development of the #EventCanvas methodology to enable teams to systematically design behaviour change through interventions and events. (in company) training + Event Design Certificate programmes + Consulting more cases in the Event Design Handbook here:
Flad ArchitectsUSarchitecture
FrameworkBRConsultant Project Management usind DT - Project
FraportDEcollaboration with School of Design Thinking
Future BalloonsPTDT in support of consultancy to social economy organizations, induction of social innovation Rodrigues
FutureGovUKBringing DT into Local Government/ pulic
GE: GE Adventure SeriesUSbetter MRI-treatment "experience" for kids
GE: HealthcareUSDT as another and complementary form of "research"
Genovasi d.schoolMYThe Royal Malaysia Police used empathy to build trust with the local community to create a safer neighbourhood. Gasper
Genovasi d.schoolMYThe Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MPIC) redesigned their event space to boost participation and engagement. Gasper
Genovasi d.schoolMYThe Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) engenders a DT condusive environment in their organisation backed by top management support. Gasper
Genovasi d.schoolMYParkEasy (the name of a startup and app) used DT to enhance the functioning of their app by empathising with their users parking frustrations. Gasper
Genovasi d.schoolMYNuren Group, develops and refines a content and commerce platform for brides and new mothers so that their users can better make purchase decisions. Gasper
Genovasi d.schoolMYYayasan Sime Darby used DT to operationalise the idea of a food surplus app which transformed food surplus distribution and collection. Gasper
Georgia TechUSEmpathy and user understanding that most patient don't like to be stabbed with single needle for vaccinations; lead to microneedle patch Korb
Godrej: Chotu KoolIN / USto address the basic refrigeration needs of rural families in India
Google: Google VenturesUS
HatchUp.DesignDEHatchUp provides a digital platform for Virtual and Hybrid Design Thinkinghttps://www.hatchup.designFabian Biegel
Henkel CEE GmbHATUsing DT for individual projectsElena Eller
IBMUSDT, Ux and Agile
IKB Innsbrucker Kommunal BetriebeATDT used to become more customer-oriented by discovering which problems affect customer relationships and resolving them.
IKEA + IDEOUS, SEDesign leaders partner to reimagine how we'll interact with kitchens in 2025 Korb
InfosysINDT training of 25.000 people through every layer of the organization.
Intuit Inc.USdesign for delight --> DT as main driver for innovation
IPCRI (Israel Palestine Center for Research)ILDT for Peace-making
JetBlueUScollaboration with Stanford l,
JLL-Jones Lang LaSalleElong term cultural change, DT as an innovation program, customer engagementStarted in January of 2014Reka Barath
Juntos FinanzasUS
Kaiser PermanenteUShealthcare delivery
Kaiser PermanenteUSGarfield Innovation Center, ideation and prototyping space for environment and product simulations Korb
Kickstart WORLDIrrigation Pumps
Lambeth CouncilUKtogether with UK Design Council
Leet Academy MYHelps startups get better product-market-fit through Design Thinking as a basis for all strategy. The Alpha Startups™ Accelerator program, winner of the Best ASEAN Accelerator, was created on the basis of Design Thinking.
MappyFRused since September 2013
Marriot 4 SeasonsUSuse design thinking (eg. prototyping new lobby with foam core)
Mattel: PlatypusUS
MayfieldroboticsUSBring Ux / HCI to a new dimension --> Dan Saffer, Caroline Gayle? (Info from Bennie)
Mayo ClinicsUSimprove consumer health care experience and delivery Beispiel: Jack & Jill rooms
Metro AGDEcollaboration with School of Design Thiniking
Metropolitan GroupUSCampaign development, Co-creation of materials and Organizational Development for multitude of government agencies, non-profit organizations and
MeYouHealthUSto better understand why they valued their health,
MicrosoftUSimprove user experinece (is shown by an example-MS Office 2007) and windows 10,
MieleDEin cooperation with School of DT (Advanced Track Project)
MindshakePTConsultancy and Training in Creativity and Design
Miraclefeet BraceUSStanford Extreme Affordability: Braces for children with clubfeet
Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) NewportUSbuilding a better command center,
NIKEUKpromote cancer awareness
NovabasePT"bridge between the old and new incarnation of Novabase"- change management
Onclaude ( Design Thinking and Human-centered Design (combined with Lean methodologies) to the corporate, SME's and non-profit world to drive agile innovation; using Design Thinking in self-initiated projects at all levels and stages (research, ideation, implementation)
P&GBELChange Management, product development
P&GUSA change in the way they think about packaging.
P&GUSlongt-term cultural change, DT as innovation program
P&G (früher)/ BlackberryUS
P&G: Consumer Products: Swiffer
Panasonic: OxyrideJP
Pedigree TracksDE/UKTailored menus for dogs based on activity tracking
PepsiCoUS"providing leadership in architecting an innovative design approach to the company’s brands"
Pfizer: NicoretteUSimprove sale and performance of NicoretteJeanne Liedtka, Tim Ogilvie: Designing for Growth
Philips Electronics (PHG)NLDT for healthcare
PillpackUSRedesigning the Patient Medication Experience
PloomUSRedesign the smoking experience
PRODAP - IT Public AgencyBRProject management and innovation. Innovation Project
Project EverestUSStrategy design and facilitation
Project ThinkingBRApproach Project Management usind DT - Project
PulseUSApp-Co praised by Steve Jobs and acquired for 90Mio in 2010
PwC AustraliaAUSTRALIADT used strengthened for corporate and digital for innovation PwC Sensis or search Smart Startup and Digital Pulse for @kateeriksson1
RadBoud REshapeNL
San Francisco’s Department of Emergency ManagementUSdeveloping the city’s preparedness platform via DT
SAPDEcustomer discovery, cultural transformation
SAP CSR + SANKARA EYE CAREIndiaDesign thinking in field of Eye Care Health Service. Sharma (
Schröder und PartnerDEchange management
Sennheiserbuid an Innovation Campus
Sense Consulting Ltd. CroatiaHRDT promotion (conferences, round-tables), DT training (@universities or tailored for corporations/companies), DT implementation (@organzations)
Shell Innovation ResearchNL
ShimanoJPCoasting Bike
SiemensDE/CN Industrial Design Thinking Program (applying, teaching and coaching DT along project execution),,
SMS Management and TechnologyAUSelling consulting services for customer experience, digital innovation and change management using Design Thinking
St. Joseph HealthUSPartnered with IDEO and practiced sceneography to enrich and individualize the patient experience as a part of their branded "sacred encounters" initiative Korb
SteelcaseUSseating solution found in a common school enviroment
Sternin Positive Deviance InitiativeVN
SunCorp (insurance company)AUThey used DT to facilitate a big merger.
SwisscomCHBrainGym, internal change, etc., Entwicklung eines neuen Preismodelles,
Telekom DEusing design thinking at the Innovation Lab
THALESFRSet up of a Design Center in charge of Design thinking. Growing an international community of design thinking practitioners.Didier Boulet
The Good KitchenDKThe "goal was to create a modern and democratic meal service that offered a differen-tiated service with individually adjusted meals of both high quality and extra value.",
Three Twins Organic Ice CreamUS"a tool for leadership to create competitive advantage and to enrich lives", the "company tries to add a twist on things, such as a splash of balsamic vinegar to strawberry ice cream, sourcing milk and cream within 17 miles of their factory and using organic ingredients."
Toyotaredesigned the customer contact centerJeanne Liedtka, Andrew King and Kevin Bennett: Solving Problem with Design Thinking (,
UnileverNLDisruptive Design Studio in colaboration with the TU Delft
University of Minnesota School of NursingUSAPost Baccaluareate Certificat in Health Care Design and Innovation
University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterUSimprove experience while seeing as many patients as possible
UnternehmerTUMDEWe apply Design Thinking in our daily innovation work with startups, SMEs and corporates and also train&coach people in understanding and applying Design Thinking e.g. in our entrepreneurial qualification programs like Manage&More
US - Presidential Innovation Fellows ProgramUSUsing DT for public policy making
VF CorporationUSchange management
VliscoNL/ ZA
VWDEin cooperation with School of Design Thinking in mysterious was notable in therefore firsthand experienced as longer thanks and today forever forward tonight Is their placement forms a newly designer’s in there - In hashtag daylight how does this work forever down their streets and then they will be staying within walking distance to where they can’t find the care they’ve gotten them intoxicated inside they haven’t evenly made them into any plans for their new home order fortunately they’re stillness inside officials says they’re noting the new numbers off Broadway the news officials can otherwise be able to make the news of their the new numbering systems internet company in accounts and they haven’t been able to address the issue internet could have a better internet service to be able to make the new numbering of the new phone’s screening processes to makers office for
WikiMediaDE"Überblick über die Welt der Wikimedia Chapter und ihrer zahlreichen Stakeholder zu gewinnen"
YanmarJPInternal trainings
ZOO HannoverDErather "unconcious" DT,
ShanghaiTech UniversityChinaDesign Thinking course in higher education Chen
SteelcaseUSscalable ESG strategy
CasperUSGlow Light
AmparoGermanyProsthetics/Confidence Socket/former HPI D-School project
TonieboxGermanySoundbox for children
SkodaUS/ChzechSimply Clever Initiative - more than 60 features to make the lives of drivers easier
School of Design ThinkingIndiaSchool of Design Thinking is committed to creating awareness in the society at large about Design Thinking as a Human-centered Approach for problem solving, thus enabling ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

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